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Hip Pain

There are a number of conditions which can affect the adult hip causing pain on the side of the hip, in the groin or at our sit bones. Some conditions can also refer pain down our thigh and into our back.


The best way to diagnose what type of hip pain you have is with a clinical assessment and imaging if required, however there are some common differences in the pain + symptom profile of each condition which we can use to predict which type of hip pain you may have.


Below are a sample of common hip conditions and their pain + symptom profiles

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Lateral Hip Pain

Common Name: Bursitis

Also known as Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome, Gluteal Tear or Tendinopathy


Feels Like: Lateral hip pain which may radiate into buttock or down the side of your thigh


Affects: Women aged 40 - 60 most commonly


Symptoms: Pain with lying on affected side, pain with stair climbing and single-leg activities


Imaging Required: Lateral hip pain can be diagnosed without xray or ultrasound


Treatment Options: 

1. Activity restriction or modification to prevent pain flares

2. Graded exercise program to increase tissue tolerance for affected activities

3. Pain relief as required, including soft tissue therapies, heat therapy, taping and oral medications as advised by your Doctor or Pharmacist

4. Cortisone and PRPs may be useful if conservative treatment fails

OA Hip Pain

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Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

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